Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Most of an iceberg, is never seen,
We're always more concerned with where we'll be,
Than where we've been
Blind to all around
Yet so focused on that distant dream

Always ready to run, hear, and look
Yet never able to stay, listen, and see
Confined in cold lonely spaces
Yet unwilling to step out and seek warmth,
Amongst the hearts that beat so keen


The Happy One said...

Detaching yourself and then analysing what is happening around you is a gift that very few people have. It is those who can actually appreciate the irony here. Irony, I think is what differentiates people on a broader level. You will always find people on either sides of the irony and then you will also have people beyond that irony watching the people on either sides and feeling amused by them.

apollo said...

well said, couldn't have put it better myself